Monday, October 6, 2008

Math Questions (Amateur Questions)

Number Phrases (Expressions)
  1. (36 plus four) divided by ten plus two is...? Answer: Twelve
  2. If there is eight cookies, and all of them were split in half, how many would there be? Answer: Sixteen
  3. There are twenty kids per class in High Tech High Media Arts, and there are four classes per grade. If there are four grades, how many students are in school? Answer: 320 students
Order of Operations
  1. In Order of Operations, what is the first term you should solve before everything else? Answer: Parenthesis
  2. What is the abbreviation for the Order of Operation (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplying, Division, Addition, Subtraction)? Answer: PEMDAS
  3. If there is an addition and subtraction sign next to each other (IE 8 - 7 + 2), which one comes first? Answer: Whichever comes first (Addition or Subtraction for 3rd/4th rule)
Evaluating Expressions
  1. X + 6 * 2 - 10 = 5. What is "X"? Answer: Three
  2. X * Y = 6, "X" equals three. What is "Y"? Answer: Two
  3. If X = 8, and Y = 6, what is " x * y + 2 "? Answer: Fifty
Positive & Negative Integers
  1. Which is less? (-6) or (-8)? Answer: (-8)
  2. Which is greater? 18 or (-20)? Answer: 18
  3. Whats 8 - (-8)? Answer: 16

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Project Reflection (Board Game)

In Math class, for the week or two, we have been working on a "Electronic Board Game". We had to incorporate math terms we learned (like Ohm's Law) and make circuitries for this game. Read more below for detailed description.

Project Description
This is the Electronic Board Game project in the 9th grade Math class of Mele Sato. In this project, we learned many types of math terms, ranging from Ohm's Law to the charge of an electron. Because we are in High Tech Village, we are required to put our knowledge to use, make a board game using Circuitries and math laws. Throughout this project, we mastered how to calculate the charge of an atom, figure out the current in a circuit, and see how much resistance certain objects give off.

Examples of work/pictures
My partner Shaelyn Washburn had the privilege and the time to make a page with our pictures/work. Here's a link to it.

Reflection Questions
  1. How has drafting and revising helped make your project a success?
    Its the basic concept of "the customer is always right". We take any advice we get, and then redo our project to fit the needs of the people. This way, we can make an enjoyable game and still meets the standards of ourselves.
  2. In what ways did communications help or hurt your project?
    In a way, it helped us. Sure, all we did was "Okay, I do this, you do that, you work on the other". But when we needed, we had output on criticizing each other to improve on our work.
  3. What have you done so far to make your board a success?
    I made the rules and the circuitries work. At first, the rules were long and complex (see Rules) because I based the rules off of actual rules. If you look at "Monopoly" or "Guess Who?", the rulebook look the same as I have done our rules... except everyone wanted the simple "User-friendly" version. Frustrating, no? ¬_¬
    I've work with computers and various circuits in the past, so theorizing and creation of our circuit (and assistance of other people's circuits) was easily accomplished. Most are parallel circuits, which would confuse a lot of people at first, but you'd get used to it after a while. In a sense, a Parallel circuit is a bunch of Series circuits bunched up together.
  4. What would you do differently if you could do it again?
    I don't know. I could've made the game a bit more fast paced, but that defeats the whole purpose of a Board game, right?
Thats it for the reflection. This is Andy, signing off

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

15 Questions (Last few)

Terms/Definition (5)
  1. Three components of an atomic particle (atom) are...? Answer: Electrons, Protons, Neutrons
  2. Joules is the measurement for what? Answer: Units of Energy
  3. The Ammeter measures what? A: Units of Energy
  4. There are four factors than can affect Resistance; Conductivity, Thickness, Temperature, and what? Answer: Length
  5. This physics law, invented by Georg Ohm, was made during this year...? Answer: 1827
Series/Parallel Circuits (5)
  1. In a Series circuit, the current must go through all the resistors. In a Parallel circuit, the current goes through how many resistors before going back to the power supply? Answer: One
  2. If you disconnect a light bulb, all the others turns off. Which circuit does this represent? A: Series
  3. If you disconnect a light bulb, all the others stay on. Which circuit does this represent? A: Parallel
  4. I connect my laptop to the outlet, but when I do my lights dim. Why does this happen? A: Series Circuit
  5. A 12-Ω and a 28-Ω resistor are connected in a series. They are connected to a 37.7V battery. What is the total resistance? Answer: 40Ω
For Fun Questions (5)
  1. What is the average flight velocity of an unladen swallow? Answer: African or European swallow?
  2. There are four friends, Mark favorite food is pizza. Salina likes dogs, but Bob likes cats. What is Chris' favorite color? Answer: 42
  3. You can't answer this question, True or False? Answer: Yellow
  4. 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078, Also Known As Pi (Π). It has nothing to do with this... So go ahead and sit there.
  5. You fail. Go to Jail, do not pass GO, do not collect 200$

Monday, September 15, 2008

Electronic Board Game

This is the latest project right now. There is a link to the project page to the right. A link will be provided here as well.

- Andy Le

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Electronic Board Game Questions (Ohm's Law / p = iV)

Ohm's Law -
  1. Resistance is represented as “Ohms”, which is shown as what Greek symbol? Answer: Omega (Ω)
  2. This law (I = VR) was named after which German physicist? Answer: Georg Ohm
  3. Ohm’s law states these three things: volts, resistance, and what? Answer: Amperes
  4. Amperes represents the current, which is shown as this symbol. Answer: I
  5. Ohm’s law is the mathematical equation that applies the electrical circuits. Circuits come in these two types. Answer: Series/Parallel
p = iV -
  1. Power is represented with the symbol P. When shown with a number, it is represented as this. Also, it is the measurement for “rate of energy use”. Answer: watts
  2. If there is .5 amperes in a current, and 20 voltages powering it, what is the rate of energy (watts)? Answer: 10 watts
  3. If the rate of energy usage (watts) is 35; and the amount of amperes flowing is 5. How much volts do you need to make this circuit correct? Answer: 7 watts
  4. The formula for figuring out voltage is what? Answer: V = iR
  5. The formula for figuring out amperes is I = q (charge) / t (time). The formula for the charge of a single proton/electron is (+/-) 1.6x10^-19. There are 500 electrons flowing through a circuit over a time span of 8 seconds. What is the power of the amps of the circuit? Answer: 62.5amps

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Electronic Board Game Questions

Rough Draft

The measurement/unit of change of a proton/electron is called a ___________. Answer: coulombs

A metal ball on top of a glass flask, used to measure charge. Answer: Electroscope

What is the charge of a single electron? Answer: -1.6x10^-19

When this occurs, atoms rotate in such a manner that one proton can attract to an electron. Answer: polarization

Forcing/Causing something to be charged. Answer: Induce Charge


I'ma make this quick. This is Math blog, end of discussion