Terms/Definition (5)
- Three components of an atomic particle (atom) are...? Answer: Electrons, Protons, Neutrons
- Joules is the measurement for what? Answer: Units of Energy
- The Ammeter measures what? A: Units of Energy
- There are four factors than can affect Resistance; Conductivity, Thickness, Temperature, and what? Answer: Length
- This physics law, invented by Georg Ohm, was made during this year...? Answer: 1827
Series/Parallel Circuits (5)
- In a Series circuit, the current must go through all the resistors. In a Parallel circuit, the current goes through how many resistors before going back to the power supply? Answer: One
- If you disconnect a light bulb, all the others turns off. Which circuit does this represent? A: Series
- If you disconnect a light bulb, all the others stay on. Which circuit does this represent? A: Parallel
- I connect my laptop to the outlet, but when I do my lights dim. Why does this happen? A: Series Circuit
- A 12-Ω and a 28-Ω resistor are connected in a series. They are connected to a 37.7V battery. What is the total resistance? Answer: 40Ω
For Fun Questions (5)
- What is the average flight velocity of an unladen swallow? Answer: African or European swallow?
- There are four friends, Mark favorite food is pizza. Salina likes dogs, but Bob likes cats. What is Chris' favorite color? Answer: 42
- You can't answer this question, True or False? Answer: Yellow
- 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078, Also Known As Pi (Π). It has nothing to do with this... So go ahead and sit there.
- You fail. Go to Jail, do not pass GO, do not collect 200$
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